1st Annual Fall Festival
🍁🎉 1st Annual Fall Festival! 🎉🍁
We’re wrapping up our celebration weekend with a bang! Join us for our 1st Annual Fall Festival on Sunday, September 22nd—it will be a day of family fun you won’t want to miss!
Event Highlights:
🎼•Live Music provided by a DJ
🌶•Chili Cook-Off: Compete for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Most Creative, and Most Spicy categories!
🥧•Pie Eating Contest: Battle it out for a chance to win a 9-hole Gift Certificate and free lunch at TB@TP!
🎃•Pumpkin Painting: Fun for the kiddos!
Tasting: 1-2 p.m. Make sure to come hungry, as everyone will be participating in the tasting!
Winner Announcement: 2:30 p.m.
Entry Fee: $10 per contest
Registration Deadline: September 20 at 8:00 p.m.
To Register, call us at (334)393-8003 or email us at events@thebridgesattartanpines.com.